Strawberry Santas

Strawberry Santas


1.Strawberries 2.Blueberries 3.Cracker 4.Coconut Flake 5.chocolate chips 6.Cream Cheese

็How to

1.Cut off the stem and leaves of the strawberry. Then cut off the bottom of the strawberry slightly to make a hat for Santa Claus. 2.Spread the cream cheese on top of the strawberry and place on the crackers. (to connect crackers and strawberries together) 3.Squeeze the cream cheese over the strawberries. to make the head of Santa Claus. 4.Spread the cream cheese on top of the strawberries we cut earlier. (only on the edge) then mix it with Coconut Flake and we will get a Santa Claus hat. 5.Place the Santa Claus hat on Santa Claus's head. (The cream cheese on strawberries) 6.Decorate Santa's eyes and nose with chocolate chips, then add a mustache with cream cheese and Coconut Flake. 7.Spread the cream cheese over the blueberries and then paste it under the strawberry to be the feet of Santa Claus.

Author: Madam Villa