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Defence - Lemon, Lime, Ginger, Manuka Honey & Royal Gala Apple Juice
The Apple Press
SKU 244513
฿ 149/ 350ml
Royal Gala Apple Press & Lemon, Lime, Ginger & Manuka Honey Lemon, Lime, Ginger, Manuka Honey & Cold Pressed Royal Gala Apple for delicious ‘defense’! All these ingredients have their own natural qualities but when combined in this way, they create a tasty and zingy juice that’s great to drink hot with a touch of spice or cold splashed over fizzy water. Ingredients: PRESSED ROYAL GALA APPLE JUICE (89%), LIME JUICE (3%), LEMON JUICE (3%), GINGER JUICE (3%), MULTI FLORAL MANUKA HONEY (2%), VITAMIN (C)
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